
[News - 09/2023] I am honored to receive a grant from DOE, thanks to DOE and collaborators! Please check the award information (our grant is led by Brookhaven National Laboratory, total award amount: $3,841,209).
[Paper - 09/2023] EdgeCut is accepted to SEC 2023, cheers!
[News - 03/2023] I will serve as the Poster chair for SIGCOMM 2023.
[Paper - 01/2023] LOIS is accepted to IoTDI 2023, cheers!
[Paper - 12/2022] RF-Chain is accepted to IMWUT 2023, cheers!
[News - 12/2022] I am honored to serve as SIGCOMM Information Services Director.
[News - 06/2022] I have successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation!
[News - 04/2022] I wil join University of Connecticut, Computer Science and Engineering deparment as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor this August!